Junior Year

I finished my last final yesterday morning and I couldn't be happier it's summer. Junior year in one word was stressful. Despite the overwhelming AP work, I had a great year. I became an officer of the Spanish Club, tackled AP courses, went to every home football game, actually dressed up for spirit week, and went to prom!

This year I had two of my least favorite classes become some of the classes that I gained the most from. I was absolutely terrified on the first day of AP English Language and Composition because of all the hidden messages and themes that everyone but me seemed to be getting from the books. I actually feel like I became a better reader from taking this class and by the end of the course was able to get a lot more out of the books we read. Spanish was another class that I started out hating and almost dropped in the first week. I ended up starting to understand and like the language a lot more and am going to take AP Spanish next year!

It was so fun to be able to attend prom this year! I loved getting dressed up and going out to dinner and the dance with my friends.

I was finally able to join DECA (a marketing competition club) this year because I took a marketing class. It was so fun to be able to represent my school at states and enhance my communication and business skills. Next year's goal: internationals!

Being on the golf team is always one of the highlights of my school year. I've made so many great friends and it's fun to be able to practice and support each other as a team. This year we were conference champs for the second year in a row and I was the individual conference champ! I also got to play at states for the third year at Pinehurst, which is always such an awesome experience.

So excited to be a senior next year!


Birthday Dinner


Hues of Blue (Bright Shorts Link-Up)