Getting Back On Track

Goodness gracious how is it already August?! How am I almost a senior?! How am I already filling out college applications (like, what)?!
I kind of got a much needed reality check earlier this summer when I got back some test scores that were lower than I had anticipated. The Smart Girls' Group conference was just what I needed to get me motivated and back on the right track to being more successful and getting the results I want. Hearing from all of the hardworking and successful women made me a lot more motivated to post more often on Gimme Glamour and to tackle my mountain of summer work. 
I realized that it's really important to set aside time to work on schoolwork and applications and to give it 100% (because watching Netflix while studying Quizlet doesn't seem to get you the best results). No matter how much it may suck doing homework in the summer, it feels so good after you finish because you know you have that much less to do at midnight on the night before the first day of school (flashback to last year...). Now that the countdown to the first day of school has started, I'm ready to get back into a schedule and start using my Day Designer again to get the most out of my days.

Thanks for reading,


Sailing on the Stars and Stripes


Salty Dog Stripes