Happy New Year + 3 Years of Blogging

Happy New Year!
This past year flew by and I enjoyed every second of it, but I know 2017 is going to be even better! I haven't given much thought to resolutions for the year, so I think I'm just going to skip out on that whole thing because I would be lying to myself if I said I was going to go to the gym every day. I'm looking forward to this next semester, making plans for the summer, and making more memories with my friends at Elon!

In addition to the start of the new year, today marks three years since my first blog post! I remember wanting to have a blog of my own for so long and I am so glad I bit the bullet and just wrote a blog post (as horrible as it was). I've grown and evolved my site so much since then and am so proud of what this blog has become. I've had so many wonderful opportunities and made more friends than I thought possible through blogging and I couldn't be happier!

Thanks so much to all of y'all who read this blog and leave such sweet comments!
Wishing all of you a wonderful new year,
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