Ruffle Sleeves & Palm Trees at The Breakers

Long time, no blog post! It's been quite some time since I posted on here and I just resurrected the Instagram while I was on spring break. It seems like I've been go go go ever since this new semester started and the blog has been put on the back burner. I finally had some down time over spring break and was able to take some outfit pictures while in Palm Beach! We were at the beach for a few days and it was the perfect low key vacation since we were able to relax out by the pool every day (yet I'm still not tan). I had been sick for the previous two weeks and was ready to just take a break and catch up on some leisure reading. I finished Arnold Palmer's book which was so so good! 
This was our first time in Palm Beach and everyone recommended that we check out The Breakers. I had seen pictures on Instagram, but it was bigger and more elegant than I had expected! We scoped out the hotel and walked along the seawall before grabbing lunch at the Seafood Bar. The restaurant just opened a few months ago and the nautical decor was so well done- the bar was a fish tank! Aside from the ornate interior, I loved the outdoor spaces like the patio with all the greenery and Lilly pillows on all the furniture.

(warning: photo overload)

Looking forward to writing more blog posts!
Thanks for reading,
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What I Wore For Winter Rush + Sorority Life Update


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