5 Years + Exciting Announcement

celebrating with an iced coffee!

Today I am so excited to be celebrating five years of Gimme Glamour! 🎉 Sometimes I can't believe it's already been that long and other times I can't believe that it's only been five years. It's been so special to have Gimme Glamour be such a defining part of both my high school and college experiences and I am thrilled that I have kept up with posting and that y'all have been such supportive readers over the years.

As you could probably tell by my lack of recent posts, I have been somewhat lacking inspiration and motivation to publish blog posts as regularly as I used to. This is in part because I always value quality over quantity and always want to feel proud of what I publish and it's often difficult to find time to take quality photos while I'm at school. Additionally, I've been itching to switch things up by creating something in addition to blog posts. 

Starting this blog five years ago really got my entrepreneurial juices flowing and I have been thinking about ways to take Gimme Glamour in new directions along the way but never followed through on any. My idea of launching the perfect product really hindered me from pursuing some of these ideas because I knew that when just starting out, I wouldn't have the resources to perfect it. Looking back at how my blog started in 2014 and what it has grown into reminded me that I don't have to have all of the details perfected to try something new. Now knowing that I have room to grow and perfect my product along the way, I am thrilled to have finally created a Gimme Glamour product line

On the Shop Gimme Glamour Etsy page, you can find personalized stationery and mini scarves perfect for tying on your purse or in your hair. I have had so much fun creating these products and hope y'all love them as much as I do!

See some of my favorite products pictured below and see the rest on my shop page:

Thank you for your support of Gimme Glamour over these past five years! 

Winter Blues


2018 Favorites