Recent Reads No. 3

With the busyness of school I haven't been able to get much reading done, but over Thanksgiving I picked up a few new books and got back into reading again. I sometimes think I have no time to read but just taking 20 minutes before bed is all you need. 
As you can tell from my Recent Reads No. 1 and Recent Reads No. 2, I've really been into nonfiction books lately. I used to think nonfiction was so boring and never understood why anyone read such a thing, but now I'm hooked! There is so much to learn about everything and now I feel like I don't have enough time to read all the books I want to read. 

She Means Business

  • This book is a step by step book that takes you through the process of brainstorming and bringing your ideas to life. 
  • Her tips can be applied to a business plan or to everyday life to increase productivity and purpose. 
  • One of the things I loved about this book was that Carrie included actual action items (and online resources) so you can take steps toward accomplishing your goals.

The Lean Startup

  • I saw someone rave about this book and I was intrigued to learn more because I knew I would be taking an entrepreneurship class in the upcoming semester.
  • It honestly took me so long to read this book because I couldn't get into it (it read more like a textbook to me), however I did get some valuable information from it about the lean startup method which has been increasing in popularity.

Invisible Influence

  • I stumbled across this book in Barnes & Noble in the business section and was interested because it seemed more like a psychology book.
  • I thought this was such an interesting read because it opened my eyes to how psychology affects everyday life and public relations (it's all about how your actions evoke specific reactions from your audience)
  • I had never taken a psychology course before so I knew nothing on the subject and found this to be such an interesting and fun read!

Grace, Not Perfection

  • This was my most recent read and I absolutely flew through it!
  • Emily had so many great words of wisdom to offer and has such an encouraging tone I feel like I can do anything!
  • One of the major points that resonated with me from her book is that even if you can do it all, nobody can do it all well. One of my weaknesses is wanting to do everything myself and not being able to say no, so this is definitely something I am going to work on and Emily's tips will definitely help me simplify my schedule.

Any new book recommendations?
Thanks for reading,
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