Bell Sleeve Sweater & Statement Earrings

Sweater (on sale for $20!!) | Jeans | Sandals | Tote | Earrings | Ring | WatchSunglasses | Nail Color

Hey y'all! Finally back with a new outfit post after a long hiatus. After studying abroad, recruitment, and another trip I had to get back into the swing of things at school so the blog was put on the back burner. My parents were here this weekend for my sorority's dad's weekend so we snapped some outfit pictures after brunch. The weather has been kind of all over the place so I was able to break out the Jack Rogers, but today it's back to wintery weather again. 
I've been getting so much use out of this sweater which is on sale for $20 right now! It's so cozy and has the cutest bell sleeves. I also finally hopped on the trend with these statement earrings that I found for a steal on Amazon for less than $10 (you can also find them in stores at Walmart for even cheaper)! I love the fun touch they added to this simple outfit. 

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