Recent Reads No. 4

As busy as I've been at school, I have been able to take a few minutes before bed to read every night. Once again, I've been reading a lot of nonfiction books. Below are my four most recent reads.

Let me know what y'all have been reading lately! I'm headed to the beach for spring break next week and a looking for recommendations on what to read. 

Presence by Amy Cuddy

I picked up this book after hearing Carly rave about it on her blog and it definitely lived up to the hype. I wanted to read this book because I dread giving presentations and get flustered giving an elevator pitch and think that's an area of my life that could definitely use a confidence boost. The book is about how to be more present and powerful in presentations and meetings and in life in general. It was really interesting to read about how her tips have proven to be effective through research and personal stories.

A Simplified Life by Emily Ley

After reading Grace, Not Perfection I was so excited to read Emily's newer book, A Simplified Life. While I loved gaining some insight into Emily's life after following her on Instagram for some time in her first book, A Simplified Life didn't seem to do the same for me. This book was more of a collection of tips but I didn't think it provided many new or original ideas. I would definitely read Grace, Not Perfection before A Simplified Life!

Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly

Each Christmas and Easter my church gifts every family with a book by Matthew Kelly and I always intended to read them but never seemed to get around to it. This year I told myself I would actually read one of his books during Lent and I'm just about finished with Perfectly Yourself: Discovering God's Dream For You. The book addresses identifying your purpose and how to live a fulfilled life. Great book for finding motivation to be your best self! I am loving this book because the ideas Kelly provides are very applicable to everyday life.

Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance

This is a book I actually read for a class this semester. I'm taking a Country Music Culture class for my literature class and this book focuses on the struggles of America's working class. I was glad we had to read it for class because I kept seeing it at the bookstore every time I went but never actually picked it up. The book takes you through the life of J.D. Vance who goes from barely graduating high school to later attending Yale Law School. Very interesting read!

What have y'all read recently? Looking for recommendations!!

Thanks for reading,


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